Quality , Certifications & Technology


Funghi della Val Taro pays special attention to the raw materials to ensure a high quality standard. Mushrooms and berries are preselected at the origin and are undergoing an additional quality control in the factory.


Strict control procedures are in place and chemical, physical and microbiological tests according to HCCA, IFS, SMETA and ORGANIC standards guarantee the safety and quality of the products.


Training and experience are very important to us and our highly professional staff is specialized in the selection and sorting of the raw materials.

The plant is also equipped with a system for laser and x-ray sorting and a metal detector.

Our Brands
Funghi della Val Taro S.r.l. - Via Milane, 6 - 43014 Medesano (Parma) - P.I. 01863730345 - Share capital: 10,400.00 Euro - REA PR-183793 - phone: +39 0525 420541 - email: info@funghidellavaltaro.com